Saturday, January 31, 1891



S. of V.-meet at Colburn’s hall, third Tuesday of each month. F. O. Willmarth, Captain; Albert Ulitsch, First Sergeant.

BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Henry, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 12 m.

ST. ANNE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. E. A. Goulet, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock A. M.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-Rev. Wm. Clark, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school at 12 M. Class meeting at 7 P. M.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH-Rev. A. Schuester, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Evening service at 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school at 9 A. M.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Sabbath school at 9:30 A. M.

LOUNSBURY LODGE, No. 751,-meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; A. Gleason, S. W.; C. H. Lines, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; L. A. Powers, S. D.; Albert Ulitsch, J. D.; Stewart Miller, T.

BARRINGTON POST, No. 275, G. A. R. Department of Ill.-meet every second Friday in the month, at Colburn’s Hall.  F. J. Buck, Commander; R. Purcell, S. V. C.; Fred Weisman, J. V. C.; L. Krahn, S.; Stewart Miller, Chaplain; A. Gleason, Q. M.; A. S.?Henderson, D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.

W. R. C., No. 85-meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each?month.  Mrs. R. Lombard, Pres. Miss R. Brockway, Sec.

M. W. A., No. 809-meet first and third Saturday of each month, at Lamey’s Hall.  D. A. Smith, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; C. H. Kendall, E. B.; C. H. Austin, Clerk; H.?K. Brockway, E.; Fred. Kirschner, W.; Wm. Antholtz, S.

Leroy Powers is on jury in Chicago.

Rev. Frazelle expects to go to Demorest, Ga., to live.

Arnold Schauble is having his machine shop painted.

Ben Newman, of Honey Lake, is to clerk for J. C. Plagge.

Mrs. Stewart Miller has been on the sick list the last week,

Mrs. Gardner, of Elgin, is the guest of Mr, J. W. Kingsley.

Send in your personals. We will be glad to receive them.

Mr. Duell talks of going to Waukegan to invest in real estate.

Lost-A key with ring attached; finder will please return to this office.

For Sale-C. J. Dodge’s house. Inquire of M. W. Dodge, Barrington, Ill.

Mrs. A. Leonard is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Ames, at Fremont, Ill.

Frank Bacchus, Jr., joined the M. E. church on probation last Sunday morning.

An invitation is extended to any who wish to join the M.E. church next Sunday.

Froelich & Sandman are putting in a cement floor in the basement of their flour mill.

For Sale or Rent-Blacksmith shop and house. Address Jos. G. Catlow, Barrington, Ill.

Mrs. Harry Askew was immersed at the Humboldt Baptist church last Sabbath morning.

Miss Anna Geiske went to Elgin Tuesday, where she will spend a few days visiting friends.

W. Naggatz had two boys baptized Tuesday, Jan. 27th. They were baptized by Rev. Rahn.

Mr. P. Grady, of Dubuque, Iowa, was at home visiting his mother and sisters during the past week.

It is reported that Robert Disck, who had the contract to build Jos. Freeman’s house, has quit the job.

All persons indebted to me will please settle at once at W. J. Smiley’s meat market.
Edwfrd Peters

I have purchased the meat market formerly owned by C. B. Dunning, and will be glad to see his old customers as well as new ones.

Dr. E. W. Olcott, a well known dentist of Palatine, has an office at 65 Randolph street, Chicago, were he will be glad to see his friends.

Mrs. J. Sizer went to Chicago, Sunday, to see her brother, Mr. D. Hawley, who had the misfortune to have one of her limbs crushed.

I will be at the Barrington bank every Wednesday and Saturday to collect taxes for the town of Barrington.

A. H. Reese, of Dunkee, has sented a room in the Lamey building, and will put in a large stock of gents furnishings goods February 5th.

Rev. Frazelle has been transferred from the Rock River conference to one in Georgia, He is stationed at Demorest, Ga., and will leave here in a short time.

The invitations are out for the marriage of Mr. Chas. Lederle to Miss Clara Brockett, at the residence of the brides’ mother at Berlin, Wis., Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1891.

Mrs. St. Clair, Miss Melissa Houghtaling and C. B Dunning went to McHenry, Saturday and spent a couple of days with Rev. Wm. Clark. They report him having plenty of work to do in that place.

The marriage of Mr. Jos. G. Catlow to Miss Clara Whitney occurred at the residence of the bride at Lake Zurich, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 28, 1891. Rev. Frazelle performed the ceremony. This paper, with their many friends, wish them much happiness.

James S. Haight will sell at public auction, on Mrs. Robertson’s farm, three miles east of Barrington, Feb. 3. 1891, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m., the following described property, to wit; 29 cows, one two-year-old bull, one pair of mules, one milk wagon, a quantity of hay in stack, 20 milk cans and other articles.
M. DOMENOWSKE, Auctioneer.

Married-Mr. Edward F. Heinze, a commission merchant of Chicago, to Miss Caroline Sandman, at the residence of the brides’ parents, Wednesday, Jan. 28th, 1891, at 11 o’clock. The marriage ceremony was very private. Mr. and Mrs. Heinze left on the noon train for their new home at 729 Wells street, Chicago. We wish them much joy.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howarth were tendered a very pleasant surprise party at their home Saturday evening, January 24th, the occasion being the 60th anniversary of Mr. Howarth’s birthday. It was a complete surprise. The party consisted of many of our prominent citizens. They came loaded with all that goes to make up a bountiful repast. The evening was spent in a social way until midnight, when all went their way to their pleasant homes, feeling that a pleasant evening had been passed.